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Jerred Sydnor
Written by Jerred Sydnor

What is a Wholesale Group?

Managing your wholesale pricing

A wholesale group is a price group for your wholesale customers. Creating a group will allow you to set a percentage discount price, custom product pricing or a mix of the 2 pricing models.

To create a wholesale group click on Wholesale under Manage Customers and then click on the Groups tab.

Click the "+Add Group" button, give the new group a descriptive name and click the Create button.

Once your group is created click on the action trigger and select "View Details".

If you are setting up a Price Group that has a percentage discount off your retail price you can set the number (10 for 10%, 15 for 15%) in the Global Discount field. Setting a Global Discount will discount the retail price of all products that are available for wholesale purchase to each customer that is assigned to this wholesale group.

To assign special product pricing to a customer set up a Wholesale Group just for them. Add their general discount in the Global Discount field and then add specific products with their special price.

Note: The Minimum Quantity field requires that there be at least that many of a product on the order to receive the discounted price. 
