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Jerred Sydnor
Written by Jerred Sydnor

Creating a retail order

To create an order click the New Order button in the menu.

If the Wholesale Ordering Module is enabled there will be prompted to choose which type of order to create. 

❗️If the Wholesale Ordering Module is not enabled OrderNova will skip this step.

On the New Order screen you can search for an existing customer or you can begin adding products to the order by using the search bar.  If you are adding a new customer just begin adding products to the order and you'll be prompted for customer information on the checkout screen.

The product search bar will search for items based on their name, categories the product is associated with, or any words in the product description.

Select an item from the search results, set the quantity and choose any appropriate variants or attributes and click the "Add Item" button.

Once all products have been added to an order click the "Proceed To Checkout" button.

Set the order's fulfillment method, date, and fulfillment location.

If a new customer is being added fill out their information to add them to OrderNova. If an existing customer is on the order their information will be filled in by the application.

Next, enter the payment method the customer is using to place their order. You can accept Cash, Check, Credit Card or Other. You can also opt to not take a payment when the order is placed. If you enter a credit card OrderNova will save information about the customer's card for future orders.

❗️ Note: OrderNova does NOT store actual card data in any way. A representation of the card is stored that Stripe recognizes and uses to complete transactions.

An order can be paid in full or have a partial payment applied. You can also add internal notes and add images to the order.

Finally, review the order, apply a promo code if applicable, and create the order.
