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Jerred Sydnor
Written by Jerred Sydnor

Adding Employees

One of the first things you will want to do after you sign up for an OrderNova account is to add your employees so they can take orders.

You can invite employees to the OrderNova platform by going to Employees and clicking on the "+ Add Employee" button. 

You will need to enter the employee's name, email address and choose a role. Then click the "Invite" button.

There are 3 employee roles in Ordernova:

Bakery Owner - There can only be one bakery owner user per account. This is assigned to the person that initially signed up for OrderNova. This user is also the only user that can manage the OrderNova subscription. 

Bakery Manager - This user type has access to all functions in the system with the exception of managing/changing/canceling the subscription.

Bakery Employee - This user type has a limited view of the application. They are only able to add and manage orders, products, and customers.

Your employee will receive an invitation email a few minutes after you invite them. 

When your employee clicks on the Sign-Up button they will be taken to a page that will require them to create a password and then they will have access to your OrderNova account. 

