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Jerred Sydnor
Written by Jerred Sydnor

Add standard products

To create a Standard Product click on Products and then click "+Add Product".

Enter a name for the product and a nice description. This description will be viewable by customers on the online store.

Click on the Standard Product button and enter your variations on that product. 

Each product must have a variation so if there is a product that is only sold in one size and quantity a variant will still need to be created.

Each variant needs a name, description, price, unit quantity and production limit. A production limit limits the amount of a specific product that can be put on an order. If there is no limit for the product put a 0 in the limit field.

Now, set where this product is available. A product can be available to Retail Customers, Wholesale Customers, Retail and Wholesale customers or mark the item as internal only if you only want the product to be added to an order by your employees.

Then, determine if the product should be a featured product on the web store. There is also an option to give the item a sort order to manage where the product is displayed.

Next, set the availability of this product. A product's availability can be limited to a specific date range if it is a seasonal item. Products can also have their availability set by day of the week if they aren't available every day.

Next, assign categories to this product. Categories help products be found when employees or customers search for it. Products can be added to multiple categories.

Now, set the fulfillment methods available to this product. Products can be picked up, delivered, or shipped or any combination of the three.

Check the Apply Sales Tax box if sales tax applies to this product.

Finally hit the save button to create the product.

